Sheridan Student Union

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Disco is Dead?!

Disco is Dead?!

By: Anders Gatten

How is it already Week 8?

Despite my own disbelief, we’re already half way through the semester. Like I’m sure most of you are, I’m starting to feel the pressure of an endless string of assignments coming my way. Sometimes, despite there always being something to do, I find the best solution is to give some time for yourself. If that sounds alright to you, why don’t you try out the new arcade cabinet at The Marquee?

Made by Sheridan’s Bachelor of Game Design program, the cabinet contains 100% Sheridan-made games. Slap away zombies DDR-style before they can ruin your groove in Disco Is Dead. The name says it all in I Can’t Stop Shooting: spiral through space, racking up points as your bullets launch endlessly from your vessel. To top off we the list (no pun intended) we have Tower Toppler; a unique twist on Tetris where you attempt to build the highest tower while trying to make sure it doesn’t… well, topple.

All the games were produced in just four days for the Game Design Sprint Week. To honour this incredible achievement that I would absolutely not be able to accomplish, I’d just like to shout out to the teams that produced them:

Disco Is Dead was created by Coulter Baker, Jennifer Johnson, Nuha Alkadi, Jeffrey Barkun, and Kassandra Kadar. I Can’t Stop Shooting was created by Alex Cheung, Wayne Tram, Rachel Theil, Keita Lorente, and Bradley Ledonne. Tower Toppler was created by James Pratt, Sean Braithwaite, Cass King, Ana Carpio Gaona, Maddi McDougall, and Seth Byrnes.

I hope you get a chance to swing by and give the games a try. It’s a chance to see some of the work the people you pass in the hallways are doing, have some fun while you’re at it, and for the cost of absolutely nothing! Not even a quarter. 

Stop by The Marquee at the Trafalgar Campus and try it out!