Sheridan Student Union

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Hackville 2024–Empowering Newcomers in the Tech Space

Welcome to Hackville- the first-ever Canadian college hackathon

By: Denise Amelia and Florence Lee

When you’re a beginner in the tech space, it can feel intimidating with all the “complicated” jargon, accomplished people, and impressive projects around you. That’s where Hackville comes in. 

Since our club’s inception 7 years ago, our mission has been to encourage hackers from any background to try hacking. Fittingly enough, our problem set for this year is “Hack for Newcomers”. We received over 35 project submissions and our winning team consisted of several first-time hackers.

This is our first year as co-presidents, and we’ve experienced a lot of firsts. Whether it was handling over 40 more hackers than last year, or transitioning to a science-fair judging style, we took on the challenges and can wholeheartedly say that we built something amazing. And our hackers seem to share that sentiment about the projects they built over the weekend.

We encourage anyone, regardless of whether you can code, or are not in a traditional computer science background, to try a hackathon. As long as you enjoy solving a problem, that first step in the door can open the pathway to greater things.

Look forward to Hackville 2025, which is bound to be bigger and better!

Check out the amazing projects built at Hackville 2024 Follow us on @hackvillesheridan on Instagram for the latest updates! Also check out our website here