Sheridan Student Union

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5 Reasons You Haven't Joined the Board (But Should)

Unsure if you should join the SSU Board of Directors?

Student elections happen every single year, and still only a handful of students nominate themselves to join the SSU Board of Directors. But why?

We sat down with students to find out some of the reasons you might be hesitant to get involved, and share 5 solid reasons why you nominate yourself for the Board anyway.

1. “I don’t have time to join the Board. School takes up a lot of time”.

Did you know that being on the Board is only an 8-14 hour per month commitment on average?
School can get busy…fast. And even if you start the year off with a plan to get involved, before you know it assignments, class projects and studying take over your life. If you want to join the Board of Directors, but can’t imagine adding something else to your plate, we’ve got some news for you.

Not only is the time commitment a lot more manageable than most students think, but there’s also a lot to gain from getting involved. Some of the perks of being on the Board?

  • Get paid and receive CCR credit for your work with the SSU

  • Get practical work experience and develop skills that will help you in your career

  • Enjoy the added benefit of exclusive work perks

2. “I don’t think voting makes a difference. There’s too much to change.”

Do you know about all the ways past Board members have helped shape your Sheridan Life?
As a student you can probably think of a lot of support or resources at Sheridan College that don’t exist but would greatly impact the overall student experience for the better. At times, it might not seem like students have the power, but the truth is, the SSU Board of Directors have been the driving force behind the biggest changes within the SSU!

The new HMC Student Centre? The Board helped make it happen. The SSU scholarships, bursaries and awards? The Board noticed the increase of financial struggle students faced during the pandemic, and help create 4 new ways to support your journey to success. Running in the election is a powerful way to share your ideas, advocate for student needs and shape the Sheridan Life for current and future students.

3. “I want to join, but I’m nervous about putting myself out there.”

Did you know, most students who nominate themselves feel this way, but still have become Directors in the end?

We all have different personality traits. Some of us are social butterflies and others are a little more reserved. Either way, we all have thoughts, ideas and experiences that matter. The SSU Board of Directors are a group of students that come together with their own perspectives, listen to peer feedback, and work together to create solutions for a variety of student issues and concerns. If you’re a little uncomfortable about putting yourself out there, just know a lot of past Directors have a one point felt the exact same way.

Check out advice from the Board, and follow the wise words of Sarah Jewell, “ Don’t let fear hold you back.”

4.“What if I put all this effort into elections, and am still not selected?”

Did you know students can add their experience in SSU Elections to their resume, even if they don’t win?

It’s undeniable that a lot goes into running for a seat on the Board. First you submit a nominations package and get student signatures, then you attend the All Candidates Meeting with other students, next you campaign and share your platform across your campus and finally you wait for the votes to come in. The ultimate goal when running in elections is to become a Director, but even if you don’t win the election, you can still gain a lot from the overall experience.

The skills you develop start the moment you decide to join the Board. They start well before the official results are in. Here are just some of the skills you can strengthen from completing the elections process:







Don’t think if you run in the elections (but don’t make it into the Board) that the experience doesn’t count. You can still add the overall experience to your resume, and even try to nominate yourself again the next year. Who knows you may even become the board member the second time around, like our former Board member, Tejaswini.

5.“I love creative projects, expressing myself through the arts and visual design. The Board doesn’t sound like something I would be interested in.”

Did you know that the SSU Board of Directors need creative people like you to help create change?

It might seem shocking to think about, but creativity is a huge part of what it means to be on the Board of Directors. The Board needs diverse perspective and students minds in the room when important decisions are being made about the whole student body. The Board should be a reflection of Sheridan - a collection of students from different walks of life, different programs and different college experiences, who can share their perspectives, and also connect with different students outside of the Boardroom to create the best supports and solutions for all.

Are you ready to make your mark and join the Board?

Now that you’ve learn more about a few of the biggest misconceptions about student elections and the SSU Board, how are you feeling? If you’re thinking about joining the Board, don’t forget to check out our elections page and submit your nomination before the deadline.