Sheridan Student Union

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Yagna, DAV Customer Service Representative

Get to know Yagna:

Have questions about our services and supports?

Q: What are some of your goals for your role this year?

“My goal is to build strong relationships with our students and community members through outreach events, social media, and other channels to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued.”

Q: What program are you in? And why did you choose this program at Sheridan?

“Undeniably, we are living in a technological age where automation is increasingly prevalent. However, automation has two sides, and it requires constant refinement to combat emerging threats from malicious actors. That's where the IT industry plays a crucial role in securing cyberspace. As a technology enthusiast, I aspire to pursue a career in this field to protect people's data from privacy intruders. This is why I enrolled in the CST- IT Infrastructure and Services course, to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to safeguard our digital world.”

Q: What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  1. Scuba diving

  2. Skydiving

  3. A tour of Europe

What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support?

“One day, while exploring the various services offered by Sheridan, I stumbled upon the website of Sheridan Student Union (SSU). As I went through the information provided on their website, I discovered the various ways in which SSU supports and advocates for students, such as organizing events and activities, providing academic support, and representing student interests. The services offered by SSU seemed incredibly valuable to me, and I was impressed by their commitment to enhancing the student experience. As a result, I thought it would be worthwhile to get involved with SSU to contribute to their efforts and benefit from their services.”

Which SSU Perk Partner is your personal favourite? 


What's the best SSU event you've attended so far?


Are you a part of any SSU clubs/​ associations or volunteer work?

“Chess club”

Yagna’s favourites:

Food: Vada Pav(Indian Cuisine)
Book: Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown

meet the team

We have a team of student leaders ready to help you any time! Get in touch below.

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