Why You Should Start Vision Boarding



How manifesting your dreams helps them become reality

By: Liv Rafaela

Vision boarding is a creative way to keep track of your goals and remind you of your motivations. Whether it’s physical or digital, or for your academics or career, there are many benefits to creating a vision board.

Here are a few:

Clarity of Goals

"A vision board serves as a visual representation of your goals, providing clarity on what you want to achieve. By visually organizing your aspirations, you can clearly define your short-term and long-term objectives."

Enhanced Focus and Priority Setting

"Vision boards help you prioritize your goals. By selecting and featuring key goals on your board, you naturally focus on what matters most and avoid distractions."

Creative Expression

"Vision boarding is a creative process. Engaging in the creative act of arranging images and elements on your board stimulates your imagination and enhances your creative skills."

Positive Mindset and Affirmations

"Vision boards can contribute to maintaining a positive mindset. Including affirmations and positive images can reinforce a constructive outlook, helping you overcome self-doubt and setbacks."

I know how it feels to put something on your vision board that you’re not sure how to achieve by the end of the year. Instead of feeling intimidated or pressured by whatever’s on the vision board, remember that it’s valid to have some of the things still be in progress by the end of the year. Vision boarding is also a great way to look back on how your goals and plans have changed throughout the years and serve as inspiration for future achievements.



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