Gulsher, DAV Director

“I am enrolled in the Software Development and Network Engineering Program. I chose this program because this program provides students with a strong foundation in software development and computer networking, which are both essential skills in today’s technology-driven world and Sheridan’s industry partnerships provide students with valuable experience and connections that can help them succeed in their careers.

Meet your board of directors!

Gulsher Cheema

Director, 2023-2024
: Software Development and Network Engineering

“I am currently part of the Board of Directors at the SSU and our work includes establishing the organization's policies and objectives, and ensuring that they are being carried out by the executive team. We also make important decisions regarding the organization's finances, strategic planning, and overall direction. As a fellow director, I would work to ensure that the organization is operating efficiently and effectively, while also maintaining a strong commitment to its mission and values. I would strive to foster an inclusive and collaborative culture within the organization, where everyone's ideas and contributions are valued and respected.

What is your goal as a member of the Board this year?

“My goal is to provide all my fellow students at Sheridan an opportunity to be part of the decision-making process and make their college experience exciting and memorable.”

Are you a part of any SSU clubs/​ associations or volunteer work?

“I have been a part of the Sheridan Podcast Club and I have volunteered for the Sheridan Orientation programs.”

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  1. Direct a movie

  2. Write a book

  3. Attend a World Cup Final.

Gulsher’s Favourites:

Song: Paradise- Coldplay
Movie: Forrest Gump