Shrey, TRC Director

Meet your board of directors!

Shrey Jani

Director, 2023-2024
Computer System Technology Information System Engineering

Tell us about you and your role within the SU. What impact would you like to make?

“This is gonna be my first chance to work with SSU. As a Director on the Board, I will make sure to have better management and strategic direction for the SSU. ”

What is your goal as a member of the Board this year?

“My goals are to help students have the best of everything through SSU, work on getting a special Pass for student transportation, and provide a better facility for food.”

What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support? 

“My first memory of the SSU was the Loud Luxury concert which was mesmerizing. After knowing about SSU, I also got to know more about the things which SSU does and how it supports students a lot.”

Are you a part of any SSU clubs/​ associations or volunteer work?

“Yes, I am a member of ISSession, DSC Google and Sheridan Urban Dance club.”

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  1. Travel Europe

  2. Try vegetarian Cuisines around the World

  3. Go on a trip with my friends.

Shrey’s Favourites:

Song: I ain't worried
Indian Punjabi and Southern side Food
Movie: Inception
The Psychology of Money
TV Show: Suits
Podcast: Ranveer Allahabadia' podcast