Sheridan Student Union

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Putting My Heart Into My Work—Totally Worth It

My self-transformation: Growing into more than a Sheridan student

By: Emily Manbode

My journey, as both a student and a young woman, has required a lot of learning, growth, and inner work within myself. I’m taking the time to understand that there is purpose in my life and through what I do, my passion has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and push myself beyond the boundaries I’ve created.  

Throughout my time at Sheridan, and in the Community and Justice program, I’ve always known that my life as a student was more than just going to classes and doing assignments. I found pleasure in learning how to help others who are in the criminal justice system, diving into the psychology behind crime, and the great privilege of attending my placement at an open detention facility. While being in my program, I’ve learned a lot about myself and others and how much we all need each other to survive in this life. No matter how hard or impossible the situation will get; we are all blossoming to get to the place we need to be. It has been challenging and exhausting—I cannot lie—but I believe anything that you truly put the time, effort, and heart into always comes out beautiful.  

I want to share something that I had written a while back. It said, “Pain doesn’t come easy. Life is full of war on the battlefield and you don’t need you alone as we all go through it together.” I wrote this in a place of knowing that throughout school, your professional career, and in life in general, things are going to come when everything seems hard or you don’t feel like you're doing your best. Thank God that I know that I can overcome, and I will be the best that I can be as long as I give it my all.  

You are more than a student and your story is more than just words

The More Than A Student series celebrates all the aspects of who you are outside of the classroom. By highlighting each student’s unique experience, the SSU aims to celebrate the diversity on campus, amplify individual stories and empower students to celebrate the fullness of who they are. What makes you #MoreThanAStudent?