Moving Away from Home: Livia's Journey



By: Livia Rafaela

Just November last year, I went on a flight that marked the start of a new beginning, a new chapter of my life. Getting on that plane and moving halfway across the world by myself sounded so exciting and frightening at the same time, but I never regretted that decision. I chose to live in a homestay close to my home campus and was warmly welcomed by my landlord in the airport. He introduced me to his family, and it felt like I had already made new friends with whom I can reach out to anytime.

Coming to Oakville from Jakarta

I didn’t have a lot of stuff, so it was really easy organizing my belongings into my new room. However, as excited as I was to explore my new environment, I could only observe it within the enclosure of the windows due to the mandatory two-week isolation period. Despite that, I was delighted with the festive decorations around the house and spent time talking with my housemates.

In my experience living with four housemates, we all have respect for each other’s personal space and simply exchange friendly greetings whenever we see each other. Sometimes we would spend late nights cooking, talking, or watching a movie together too. Since my landlord cooks for all of us, I don’t have to cook that often and have more time for myself. I also found the homestay lifestyle really interesting to adapt into, since there are unspoken rules and boundaries to follow in order to maintain a pleasant relationship. I also noticed how I would always have someone checking up on me regularly when I was in my parent's home, but being in a homestay allowed me to be more independent.

I’ve come across some challenges and conflicts here and there in my homestay, but it’s part of the adjustment. I know some people who struggle with homesickness, while others struggle with interpersonal relationships. However, I learned that the moments that get you out of your comfort zone are the ones that bring you growth. A lot of people expected me to struggle with homesickness as it was my first time living away from home, but I was more excited to explore my surroundings and get to know new people.

All in all, I believe that everyone will have their own take on moving away from home, but as an international student, maintaining a positive attitude is one of the best traits you can have!